Like beat tapes, kaiju movies, indy comics and/or multimedia storytelling projects? Philly funk band Big Pimp Jones and the 70's pop-culture-fueled party machine Hot Peas and Butta have joined forces with illustrator Elroy Jenkins and comicbook artist Recs (his momma named him Rory Smith) to create the city-smashing Kodoja: Terror Mountain Showdown, which you can experience via ceedee, digital download, comicbook, or vinyl (or if you're smart like me, all of the above!)... For all the cheapskates, here's some youTubery!
ceedee cover art |
vinyl cover art... |
Yo, this mess is the bomb, for real! I got this package in May, and this has been my official commute soundtrack all summer. If you like kaiju (giant monster attack) movies at all, you'll feel the beats on this soundtrack to a movie that never existed. There's also mock samples dramatizing scenes from the comic between tracks, reminiscent of how MF DOOM or Rza sample old cartoons and movies. Here's some pages from the first issue of the comic...
I love the art on this comic, by Brooklyn-based illustrator Recs. His stuff is sketchy and expressive, but detailed enough so it doesn't feel unfinished. Reminds me of that dude Sonny Liew, or maybe Sam Kieth. Whatever... It's good stuff.
So far, only one issue is out, but Recs just finished the art on the 2nd issue, so it shouldn't be long... I'm definitely down to buy all five issues. Anyways
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