Friday, September 7, 2012

The Rite of Christian Initiation: Old but High Standards

“The Apostolic Tradition [early Church document] says only that those who come forward for the first time to “hear the word” should be presented to the teachers of the community privately so that their motives can be examined and vouched for the “those who bring them.” Admission to “hear the word” is not a mere formality: whole classes of people- such as pimps, teachers of pagan philosophy, pagan priests, makers of idols or amulets, and men with concubines –are not accepted into this class of learners, or catechumens, unless they first forsake their modes of life. The crux of admission procedure has nothing to say about the intentions of the applicant: it is in his manner of living that is to be ascertained and, apparently, nothing more. From this point on, the applicant, if accepted into the Catechumenate, will be expected to be living in a manner befitting a Christian…”

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